New Survey !

Over the past year APDA has worked with a Board of Advisors to determine the best research and communication methods for the project going forward. This summer we have been focused on three main projects:

  • redeveloping the website
  • updating the database to include recent graduates
  • sending out a survey

To do this, we hired several new team members.

Starting in May, Riley Fette has been working to gather information on PhD graduates.

Starting in June, Joshua Clingo has been working to redevelop the website (taking over from Karna Errande, Armaan Kapoor, and Umesh Krishnamurthy).

Starting in July, Alex Dayer has been working to develop the new survey and Aramis Munoz Valverde has been piloting a cognitive science version of the project.

The new website will likely take a few more months to complete, but the survey will be heading to your inboxes in the next few days. If you would like to take part in the survey and do not get a message from us, please email with your first and last name, email address, PhD program, and year of graduation (or let us know if you are a current student).